

Here's what our GEARED2bewell Members and Dr. Korman's nutrition patients are saying...

Jamie shares her “before and after" success!

Jamie shares her “before and after" success!

“I sought help for nutrition guidance for overall health and weight loss.  I have battled with being overweight since childhood.  This caused depression, frustration and overall feelings of unwell.  My hairdresser recommended Korman Relief and Wellness.  Yes!  Dr. Korman’s knowledge and guidance has been priceless.  In 4 months of ‘living the ketogenic lifestyle,’ I’ve lost 23 lbs, gained control of my cravings, decreased (significantly) the occurrence of headaches and I feel healthy. My lab work has improved and I couldn’t be happier!”

Total Inches Lost Overall 18

Also: Reduction in Thyroid Antibodies / Clearer Skin / Better Sleep / More Energy / Control Over Hunger”

~ Jamie

“...I have struggled with my weight all my life.  I have never been able to get past sugar/carb cravings but this program (The Ketogenic Experience) has been (for a lack of better words) 'a piece of cake!'  

The guidance and keto products were the only thing that made my success possible.  I have lost 40 lbs and many inches!  It really feels like it is just falling off!"


 "I came to Korman Relief and Wellness with stomach aches, sleeping problems, concentration difficulties, acne, skin problems and headaches.  I have suffered these issues for 12 years.  It has caused much frustration, and stress at school, making it a struggle for me to get B's.  Homework took me hours; school was frustrating.

My grandmother referred me to Korman Relief and Wellness.  Dr. Korman, offered nutrition services to me and the results were life changing!  I now fall asleep within a half hour of going to bed.  I am a 'straight A' student!  I am experiencing no stomach aches.  My face is clear, as is my skin.  I have no headaches.  I now laugh and have fun.  Homework is easy!”  

   ~ Elizabeth  

"Between 2008 and 2012 I had diverticulitis five times.  Each time the pain got worse.  That is why I sought help from Dr. Korman.  I have been wanting help for a long time.  I found Dr. Korman in the Physician and Medical guide.  Her nutrition plan has been wonderful.  I have lost 13 pounds in 6 months and have more energy than ever.  She explained, in great detail, the food I should eat and the food I should avoid.  She answered every question I had on nutrition.  No diverticulitis for 6 months!  I have a new lease on life!"                   

~ Fay 

"I have a very poor diet and am overweight. I sought help at Korman Relief and Wellness for back and leg problems due to being overweight.  I have suffered with this for 10 years.  The nutrition program offered by Dr. Korman’s office has helped my back and leg problems and I have lost 16 lb in 3 weeks and 4 “ off my waist.  I feel a lot better!”

~ Paul