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Why We Need It. Why We Need To Drink It.

 About Water:

  • Our bodies are composed of approximately 60% water.

  • Your brain is mostly water and is highly sensitive to dehydration.

  • A person can go weeks without food, only a few days without water.

  • Water plays a vital role in nearly every vital bodily function we have.

  • Bodies that don’t get enough water, or hydration, become dehydrated. Once dehydrated, the body can’t function at its best.

  • When dehydrated, your body cannot flush out toxins, or regulate itself effectively.

  • By not flushing toxins, your body is more susceptible to illness, disease, weight gain and premature aging.

  • Water is guilt free, as it has no calories!

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     Add pure, filtered water to your day, at the rate of 1/2 your body weight in ounces. For example, a 150 lb person would be drinking 75 oz of water, which is half their body weight, in ounces!  Divide your weight in half, and use that number for the number of ounces to drink!

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“Dilution is the solution for pollution!"

Drink up!  Fill up!

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     Ignorance is NOT bliss.  Don’t drink from the tap, unless you have tested the water coming from it.  

     There are a couple ways to have your water tested.  Most companies in your community who sell/install water treatment systems provide “free water testing.”  This test is done in your home by a representative who will provide immediate results of the testing followed by a discussion as to which water treatment systems are available and what the cost of those installed systems would be. 

     While you certainly are under no obligation to purchase, just know that the testing of the water does include a sales attempt from the company testing the water.  If you are interested in a filtration system, this is a perfect way to gain an education about the systems available and gather prices, etc., allowing you to make an educated decision.  

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     Another way to approach the solution is to purchase a “do-it-yourself” water testing kit which is inexpensive, and allows you to test your water at home, and then pursue your own solution to the problem.  These kits are readily available online, as well as many other places, like your local hardware store.

Water Safe test kit

     The water from your well or public water system, under most circumstances, is not healthy! 

     We know first hand that, while the water may look and taste ok, it’s not! In some cases, the level of chlorine in your everyday tap water is as high as that of the chlorine level in the nearest swimming pool.  

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     What?  Yes! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves a higher level of chlorine in tap water (4 parts per million/ppm) than what has been recommended for public swimming pools (1-3 ppm). The EPAs limits the levels in swimming pools largely to avoid red and burning eyes from swimming!  In other words, tap water very likely has more chlorine than your local swimming pool. (Read More...)

     This high chlorine content added to our tap water is added in order to kill bacteria and impurities in the water, pipes and delivery systems, making the water safer from one standpoint, while toxic from the other. Would you drink your pool water?

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     We have several ponds at our house which are stocked with fish. On several occasions, when the automatic, water-leveling control was left on, all the fish died within minutes of the water level having been “topped off” with our water source. This situation was resolved as soon as we put in a full house water filtration system.  Even a small, counter top, tropical fish aquarium MUST have chemicals to completely remove the chlorine already in the water, before even one fish can be added.  Any pet store will verify that “chlorine kills fish", and city water has high chlorine content! 

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     Water filtration systems remove both the contaminants and the chlorine, delivering nice, safe, drinkable water which is more fit for both human and animal consumption.

      As a added bonus, washing your clothes, cars and windows with filtered water gets them cleaner while requiring the use of less soap and leaving a finish that’s spot free!


     This is how the automatic car washes offer “spot free” washes!  They use filtered water, which reduces calcium, contaminates, and hardness. Your pipes and fixtures last longer, as well.  These are just some of the advantages of using pure and filtered water in your home. 


     Oh! By the way! The water you bathe in is absorbed into your largest organ, the skin, within just seconds! Hot water is absorbed even more quickly!

Safer Plastics

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     Avoid buying and/or using plastic bottles, or containers, to hold or store your water, or even your food, for that matter.

     We recommend that you not use plastic for anything, but, if you must, then educate yourself on the safest ones.

Fresh Natural Spring Water...


     These pictures of fresh water look pure and amazing, and, while we would recommend a little toe dipping or swimming in them, we would not suggest drinking from them. There are too many variables when it comes to water safety, in light of the surrounding toxins that humans have been dumping everywhere. Consequently, it is becoming very hard to find undisturbed sources of water.  So what do we do?

Water is irreplaceable!

Get the best filtered water you can.

Look into a water filtration system. If you don’t already have one, here are a few we recommend:

     You can look into some under-the-counter filters, shower filters, inline filters or even stand alone filters. Many can be found at home improvement stores. Do some research before selecting the cheapest one. Even cheap is too much to spend if the filter doesn’t really do the job.  

Here are a few suggestions:

Excellent quality & GREAT for counter tops and travel!

Crystal Quest

     Crystal Quest is a solid and reliable company specializing in supplying water filtration needs for a variety of situations. Their website is worth a visit.

Big Blue Triple

     This is the one that we have recommended to several others, for a 2-4 person home up to 2000 sq. ft. It's the one we started out with, extremely cost effective, for many years!  



Away from home?

     The one shown here is what we use when traveling to Hotels or Camping.

     Bring a small wrench and you’re ready for fresh water anywhere!

Click here for information on this versatile, great, little filter.