“The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.”  

 ~ Oprah Winfrey

Gratefulness is Important...

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     It is healthy and important to begin each day by remembering and acknowledging what you’re grateful for.  As you do, you will begin to attract more and more good things to your life for which you can continue to be grateful! 

You are a truly unique individual!  

     You are not only unique; you have a purpose!  You may or may not be aware of what that purpose is, but rest assured, you have one!  We all do. Why else would we all be so uniquely different? 


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     Ponder your purpose.  Look around you.  Look inside you. What is your PASSION?  What would you enjoy to do, even if you received no compensation? What are your special qualities?  What makes you different from others?  

     Maybe you have a special talent!  Perhaps you have a special skill set. Has a particular life experience left you uniquely qualified to help others? Are you an inspiration in some special way? Is your sense of humor contagious? Are you a caretaker for someone who depends on you?  Is your purpose being a parent or grandparent?  Perhaps you are the best friend to another unique individual who treasures you!  Are you a volunteer, or a particularly charitable individual? Are you a kind soul? If so, could your purpose be to lift the spirits of those you come into contact with...someone you may not even know? Are you the only “kind experience” someone else has had today?  One never knows!  

Be a good friend to yourself!

     Please speak positively and lovingly to yourself. Allow yourself to make mistakes; have accidents; have a misstep here or there. Talk to yourself the way a friend could talk to you.  Be supportive of yourself.  Re-train your brain to treat yourself with the same respect you would treat any other loved one.

     Put YOUR “oxygen mask” on first....Take care of yourself first! Then, you can better care for, and support, others around you.  

It’s really GREAT to feel GRATITUDE!  

     Say it out loud!  Recognize it along the way!  “Life is GREAT,” and it’s getting better as you get healthier!  

   Please read our article about the health benefits of recognizing your gratitude, by clicking on this link: “Let’s Talk About Gratitude!

Practice YOUR “Attitude of Gratitude" every day!

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Get out a notepad, or buy a journal. Write down what you are grateful for, and own it!  Do this every morning as you work through this program. It becomes a habit, and you may find that writing these things down, for just a few minutes every morning, will begin to frame your days with more energy and passion. Recognize it, and be grateful for it!  

    You can also positively direct your thoughts and energy by writing down, and speaking out loud, some positive affirmations!  Add to them, and make them personal.

  • I am becoming a healthier human being, and am respecting the gift of my body.

  • I am becoming a better: man, woman, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife , etc.

  • I am making much better food choices! I am avoiding empty calories and inflammatory foods.

  • I am becoming more active. I am moving more than I did before.

  • I am more educated about healthy living than I was before.

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” - Epictetus

Make it a GREAT day!