GEAR 4 - Restoration 

      Isn’t it amazing how sprains and strains heal themselves? Fractures repair themselves, although they might need to be “set,” the bone goes on to repair itself and become strong again!

     Viruses and Infections are destroyed by our body’s immune system. Food is digested, and what we no longer need leaves our bodies.  Liquids run through us.  Our brains, hearts, digestive systems, livers, and spleens all just quietly do their jobs, as we go about our business, not even mindful of what all is going on!  We often don’t feel a thing, yet our complicated bodies are living chemistry sets functioning in a very complex way 24 hours a day.

     That is a lot to ponder, to appreciate, and to be amazed at.  We don’t need to be scientists to realize and appreciate the miraculous human body, and how it serves us every day.

     As miraculous as the human body is, however, it is not to be abused or neglected if you want to continue to depend on it.  We must have mindfulness and respect for the body and all that it does for us.  Be kind to your body.  Be appreciative every day of the many ways in which your body works for you.

This Gear is about “Restoration”  

Let's talk about “Restoring the Gut”

     First of all, we are actually more bacteria then we are human!  If you count the number of genes, we all have up to 100 times more bacteria DNA then human DNA! The bacteria are all over our body, on the surface of our skin, and, mostly, in our gut. 

Why do we need to care about gut health?

     The gut is really like a second brain; it signals to the brain. They "talk" back and forth to each other. Most of our immune system is in our gut. If our gut is unhealthy, we are susceptible to infections, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease. If the gut is not healthy then we will not be able to digest food properly, and therefore cannot be healthy.

     The gut is also a regulator of many neuro transmitters, and, as such, brain health, mood disorders, and good sleep patterns are all affected.

How does our gut get unhealthy?

    We, as Americans, are way over-prescribed on antibiotics; we eat too much sugar and processed food; and we can go overboard with sanitizing. Everyone seems to have germ phobias! Meanwhile, “GMO” foods,(Genetically Modified Organisms), are everywhere, and both artificial sweeteners and food color dyes are found in many boxed and processed products. Add to that all the chlorinated water, toxic plastic bottles and other chemicals which are found in our drinking water supplies. These are just a few of the common things that are harming our gut microbiome.

     First we need to avoid the above list of things...stop the damage! Then we can begin to add a rich diversity of real foods, and consume quality fermented foods and probiotic supplements for a time.  In addition, we can add “prebiotics”, which are fiber rich foods.  Finally, getting enough quality sleep, and reducing stress are important factors as well.

     Working through the GEARED2bewell program is addressing all of these areas. So know that, while we just scratched the surface of gut health here, you are helping get your gut healthy along the way!

Let’s begin, now, to work through GEAR 4 of your program!

G:  Grateful
E:  Eliminate
A:  Add
R:  Rest/Restore
E:  Exert
D:  Discover