I believe that supplementation will never replace a poor diet and MOST of our nutrition should come from local and healthy foods. There is, however, some foundational nutritional support that can fill in the gap where today’s lifestyle and food quality may cause us to come up short. Here are some considerations of what you may consider adding to your diet.

  • A high quality multivitamin: without artificial colors and binders, and which also contains natural Vitamin E as well as highly absorbable and bio-available minerals and B-vitamins.

  • Clean, non-toxic fish oil: from sources such as anchovies, sardines or mackerel. These provide much needed omega 3 oils containing EPA which help reduce inflammation in our bodies (the root cause of all chronic illness) and DHA essential for optimal brain health.

Krill oil is an excellent choice here, due to its enhanced absorbability over other fish oils and greater sustainability, due to the abundant supply of krill. A word of caution: fish oils are natural blood thinners so consult your doctor before taking fish oils along with blood thinning prescriptions.

  • Bioavailable magnesium: including magnesium malate, citrate, glycinate and/or threonate. Most people are deficient in this vital mineral even with the healthiest of dietary efforts. It is essential for relaxation of the mind and muscles, healthy blood pressure, bowel regularity and sleep patterns.

  • Vitamin D3 with K2: this vitamin is best obtained by moderate, frequent sun exposure, but with our modern indoor and sedentary lifestyles most people come up deficient on this nutrient. It is known to reduce risk for many chronic illnesses. A safe dose is between 2,000-5,000 IU/day, but a simple blood test is recommended to determine individual needs.

  • Live beneficial probiotics: these provide the "healthy bugs" in our gut which are commonly destroyed by antibiotics, antimicrobial soaps, genetically modified foods and Sucralose. They are an extremely important and often overlooked part of a healthy immune system, as well as learning, cognition and mood regulation. They can optimally be obtained by consuming naturally fermented vegetables, like kimchi, homemade sauerkraut or teas called “kombucha.”

Taking these in capsule form can be tricky since many over the counter products do not actually contain the “live labeled quantity" of bacteria, by the time they are consumed.

  • Digestive enzymes and/or HCL (hydrochloric acid): these may be needed if experiencing indigestion, bloating after meals or if the gallbladder has been removed. Enzymes are needed to break down the fats, carbohydrates and proteins in our food so we can absorb and utilize their nutrients. Stress, poor food choices and many medications can decrease these essential enzymes.