Tune in and recognize just how it feels to shut out all the distractions of our world, and be “in-the-moment-mindful” a couple times each day. Practicing this, as described in the “Rest/Restore” Gear, is the way you get there.  

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     The real changes come, though, when you can reflect on your effort, and really get in touch with yourself and your feelings regarding changes you are making and the habits you are forming.  

     Did you like the absence of multi-tasking, if even for a bit?  Were you able, for a limited amount of time, to really slow it down, take one thing at a time, and allow yourself a quieter, more tranquil, pace?  Did you notice how your mind felt?  How your body responded?  Did your heart rate feel calmer?  Did you feel less anxiety or nervousness?  Did you feel an absence of stress? Did you like it, and find yourself drawn to doing more of it?

     These exercises are designed to teach you a different way of living.  Our society has us running crazy every minute, and then complaining about only 24 hours in each day!  Well, 24 hours is all we’re ever going to have in a day!  It’s important to accomplish as much as you need to in this period of time.

     But it’s also very important to re-learn how to take a breath, find some peacefulness within, and learn the difference between what is “urgent and important” and what isn’t!

    Don’t let your wonderful life experiences go unnoticed because you were too busy to “listen!”  Reflect on how it felt to be “fully present,” if even for a little while!  

Discover your feelings

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     How are you feeling about your progress? Is this harder that you thought it would be? Are you feeling better then you have for some time? Has it been easy for you to let go of some of the foods you were eating before? Are you finding it hard to break habits or traditions from the past? Is someone or something holding you back? Are you satisfied with the results so far? Are you able to keep up with the gears as they progress?

     It is important to journal some of these thoughts and awarenesses, in addition to your positive affirmations, so that you are able to reflect on where you have come from and where you are now.

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     Be sure to use mindfulness when eating.  Take your time, chew your food slowly and taste the food with each bite. Try to eat at the table and not “on the go". Plan your eating times so you are able to relax while eating. This is very important when it comes to digesting your food properly.

We have all heard, “You are what you eat.”

The real truth, however, is...

You are what you assimilate or digest!