Sitting has become the new smoking.

     We have gone from a society of hard working farmers and ranchers, to a highly industrialized, technologically driven society. From the driver’s seat to the office chair, to the computer chair, and then the couch at home, Americans are spending more time seated than ever. Researchers say it’s wreaking havoc on our bodies. There is continuing evidence showing that prolonged sitting increases the risk of developing several serious illnesses like various types of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

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Click on the link below for more info on this study: 

"Sitting is the new smoking"

     The content delivered here applies to every single one of us, regardless of the particular health concerns or fitness level you may have. If you are using this program primarily to either loose weight or to reverse/stop chronic disease, then exercise is a small part, in regard to your amount of time invested. Still it is an important part of the program.

The idea here is: move more today, than you moved  yesterday!

 If you already “work out” or exercise, that’s great!  Continue to do so!

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     We are not suggesting that members of our program have to join a gym or invest a lot of money in stay-at-home fitness equipment.

     We want to simply meet you where you’re at regarding exercise.  But you need to be honest with yourself!  Remember, you are your new best friend! Be honest with yourself, so you can better help yourself!

Your New Mantra:

“Move more today than I did yesterday!”

 It’s that simple!

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  • Take a 10 minute walk in the morning, after lunch, or after dinner in the evening! Walk over to visit a neighbor! Walk around your house a time or two, checking out your landscaping or yard! Walk your dog an extra time or two! (Be careful about hot pavement on dogs feet. If it is hot out, walk the dog through your yard.)

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  • Try getting in the pool and moving about! Tread water. Walk in the water. Hold on to the side and raise and lower your legs, one at a time.

  • Sit in a chair and move your legs and arms! Clap your hands over your head or in front of your chest; raise one leg at a time up straight, and alternate with the other.

  • Stand at the kitchen counter, for support, and lift one knee towards your waist and then the other. Stand on one leg for a few seconds, and then the other. March in place, it strengthens and helps with balance!

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     If you are less able, focus on concentrated movements from your chair, such as leg raises, one leg at a time; arm raises, and arm raises while holding some light weight, such as a can of vegetables, etc. Try to “lengthen and strengthen” what you were able to do last week.  If you did 10 of something, try to do 12.  Just keep increasing your effort every single day.  Small increases are fine, if you keep it up!

      We strongly encourage you to purchase a pedometer which will tell you how many steps (and how many miles) you walk in a day!  It’s fun to measure this and interesting to see just how much you do walk in a day’s time!  

      For example, a 20 minute walk is approximately 3000 steps!  Try it! This doesn’t have to be done all at one time, either. Two sessions of 10 minutes per session works fine!  Having a pedometer will help you track your progress, be more mindful of your movement, and make it fun while doing it! 

     Pedometers come in all styles and price ranges and don’t have to be expensive. They are readily available online and at local stores, as well.  It is actually motivating to measure your movement! If you are a very mobile person, there are endless ideas of how to increase the number of steps you take daily:

  • Ride elevators up an extra floor and then walk down to your desired floor.

  • Exchange stairs for escalators

  • Park farther from the door and walk to your destination.

  • Listen to music on headphones while walking.

The best time to start is right now!