In this GEAR we will be using some stretching and Yoga, along with the breathing techniques from  Gear 2.

Try to incorporate these techniques every day.

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 *Remember to always consult with your Doctor before beginning any new exercise routine.

     We are building up to some more powerful exercising routines, so use these as your exercise time for now. As we move along this will become your “warm-up” routine.

     If you are already following a work-out regimen, please continue to do so. Perhaps use this as your warm up.

Gentle Stretching

      We want to introduce you to some comfortable and relaxing stretches. Stretching is such a pleasurable activity, not to mention very healthy for your body. It lengthens, loosens, and helps to get your body “un-stuck!”  

     The key here is to TAKE YOUR TIME. Bend and move slowly and deliberately. Stay in the stretch for several moments, and breath deeply in and out a few times per stretch.  Allow your body the time to respond, stretch, lengthen, and relax. This should be a slow, “feel good” activity for you, and your body WILL thank you!

     These are just a few stretches you can try for yourself, and, of course, you can also use or choose others that you enjoy.

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Enjoy the simple stretches, shown above, every day!  You should really start to look forward to stretching!

  • Perform the stretches very gently

  • Do NOT bounce!

  • Continue into the posture until you feel a slight stretch

  • Hold stretch for 2 of your deep breathing techniques

Breathe in 4 seconds / hold 4 seconds / slowly exhale for 8 seconds

Yoga for Beginners!

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     This GEAR would be a good place to learn a few simple Yoga poses. If you already do some Yoga, then please continue to do so.

        You can look for instructional videos online, purchase DVD's or join in on a local class near you! These Yoga poses can be done while listening to relaxing music, or your own favorite soothing sounds.  You can also just enjoy the sound of silence!

     Combine all these wonderful techniques to quiet yourself, take a much needed, calming break, and to help lengthen and strengthen your muscles!

  • Breathing techniques,

  • Grounding yourself, while barefoot

  • Listening to the sounds around you,

  • Stretching and flexing

  • Using your imagination and your senses

  • Practicing Yoga poses

     Practice all of this while emptying your thoughts, and releasing your tension. If thoughts come to mind, and they will, just simply acknowledge them, but then clear them away, for now, and bring your focus back to a deep breath of inhaling health. With each exhale, release all stress, pain, or negativity. See it go. Imagine the good energy coming into your body with your breath, and see the bad energy being blown out with your breath.

     It takes some practice, if this is new to you, but it shouldn’t be long until you find yourself stopping what you’re doing and finding a few minutes to incorporate your favorite techniques into your day!  Remember, as always, this is for YOU and for YOUR improved health and well being!

*Remember to always consult with your Doctor before beginning any new exercise routine.