GEAR 5 - Detoxification


“In life, one has a choice to take one of two paths: to wait for some special day -- or to celebrate each special day.”      - Rasheed Ogunlaru

     Be Grateful for the wisdom and understanding that there are ways to simplify life and counter the negative affects of the many toxins that our bodies endure in our daily environment. In keeping with this gear's theme of living CLEAN and keto, we are grateful to learn, once again, how to do better in regard to watching over our bodies, our health, and maintaining both.


     The unfortunate fact is that we do live in an ever-increasingly toxic environment. Toxins, referred to as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP’s), are all around us today, many of which didn’t even exist 30 years ago.  Some examples of these POP’s are various pesticides, herbicides, industrial and household chemicals that enter our bodies by way of air, food and even the water we drink and bathe in. What happens is that these toxins become trapped in our body’s organs and tissues, which, in time, negatively impact our health, vitality, and overall wellness.  Often, this is the root cause of chronic illness and pain.

     Be grateful that there are people and companies out there, such as the wonderful, organic food producers, who help us to offset some of these seemingly endless problems.  Be grateful, also, that you are becoming more educated about these issues, how to combat them, and what we can do to help ourselves, in a world that seems to be working against us.

     As you move through this GEAR, be encouraged that there are some positive answers on how to “detoxify” your environment, and “turn the tables” on the toxic situation that faces us in our world today. We can live more simply...more basically.

     Knowledge really IS power, but only when you apply it! When you started this journey, you took an important step in gaining more knowledge, and, as a result, you DO have the power to optimize your health!  Be Grateful that you took that step and continue to learn ways to take control over your health!

This week, let's take an inventory of the products we use on our bodies, as well as those in our homes.

     Let’s take a serious look at the products used in your home, for the care of your hair, skin, and teeth!  This would include shampoo, cream rinse, hair spray or gel, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash, makeups, moisturizers, sunscreen, soaps, cologne and perfume.

     Let’s also look at the cleaning supplies you are using as well as other products used around the house, such as bug sprays, dish soap, laundry detergent, floor cleaners, and bathroom cleaners.

     What about the cooking utensils and appliances that we use every day? Stay away from aluminum cookware, or any teflon coated pans. If your pans are older or scratched through the teflon coating, you really need to get rid of them. They are very unhealthy. Use cookware that is stainless steel, or ceramic coated.

     Please focus on using your microwave less and never use plastics in it. Try not to use the microwave to cook food, but try and use it only to warm up water or a cup of coffee or tea.

     Watch out for chemicals in your pool or hot tub. Look into using epsom salt, ozone, or ultraviolet lights in the hot tub, or converting over to a salt system for your pool. Chlorine is an unhealthy chemical, that absorbs through your skin, and is also consumed in your non-filtered drinking water. 

Try to cut back on some of these toxic chemicals and consider using more natural products. 

Let’s go through this Gear 5 

G:  Grateful

E:  Eliminate

A:  Add

R:  Rest/Restore

E:  Exert Energy

D:  Discover