This section of the program is where you want to consider any people, places and/or things in your life that can prevent you from meeting your healthy goals. You may need to separate yourself from some of these influences, permanently or temporarily, while you learn new habits and gain self control.

     For this GEAR, we want you to eliminate all the sugars and sweeteners in your house and in your lifestyle. Go through your fridge and cupboards and eliminate all of these highly toxic and non-nutritive products:

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  • Eliminate all sweetened or artificailly sweetened drinks such as soda (diet or regular), fruit juice, sweet tea, lemonade, flavored water, coffee, creamer, etc. (Organic vegetable and/or tomato juice should have NO sugars, sweeteners, or fruit juices added).

Note:  You may replace sugar in your coffee or tea with a sparingly few drops of Stevia.  It is stronger than table sugar, though, so be aware of that!  You may discover, as many others have, that eliminating sugar from your coffee and tea allows you to taste the genuine flavor of these beverages! You may find that you enjoy the drinks better without all that sugar covering up the genuineness of these enjoyable drinks!

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  • Eliminate all sugars, (white, powdered, brown), agave, artificial sweeteners and even honey, for now. Honey lasts for a very long time, so keep it in the pantry and further down the road we will talk about it again.

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  • Eliminate all candies, cookies, cakes, muffins, pastries, etc.

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  • Eliminate all boxed and canned foods that contain added sweeteners. If the Ingredient list includes sugar or any artificial sweeteners then PUT IT BACK!!

Sugar: Just Say No...No...No

 Watch the following video to learn more about the sugars in our drinks and the ill-effects that sugar has.  It is both interesting and shocking!  When you need a little extra motivation, or validation, watch this video again and again. Remind yourself, often, of why you are choosing a healthier lifestyle....to improve your health and prevent disease!  This comes with knowledge, discipline and real effort!  Stay the course!  You can do this!

We realize this can be a daunting task, but remember what brought you here?  You want a healthier lifestyle...longevity...brain clarity.  You want to burn fat rather than sugar for energy. You have to stop talking about it and finally just do it.  Sugar is addictive...more so, actually, than alcohol or drugs!  Look around you!  You are certainly not alone in your love for sugars.  This is a habit that must change if you are serious about making a significant lifestyle change.

The good news is that we do have an ADD section in each GEAR, and this is where we add satisfying and appropriate foods, drinks, etc., back into your lifestyle!  It’s all about choices, and we want you to choose healthy options, which we will be introducing to you.  Stay with us, here!

Table Salt:  better used as a weed killer?

  • We need to eliminate table salt, the white stuff! This plain table salt is void of any minerals, and should be poured out or used as weed killer! Just mix with water and spray on weeds!

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     As a tasty, healthy, and preferred alternative, purchase some Celtic sea salt (grey in color) or pink Himalayan salt (pink in color). These salts have dozens of trace minerals and can be used liberally on food or even added, to taste, in water. They taste great...just like salt, because they ARE salt!  They are readily available in most any grocery store, now, and can also be found at the “big box stores” like Costco and Sam’s Club.  They can always be found online, of course.

  • Sodium has been unjustly victimized, and is not a problem for most people. In fact we need to add sodium to our diet, especially when we stop eating the heavily salted food from a box, can or restaurants. The “Recommended Daily Allowance” for sodium is actually greatly less than what we need for healthy cellular function!

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Fruit: forbidden?

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  • Fruit is very high in sugar (fructose) therefore we will be taking it off the menu for now. That’s right, most fruit is off limits for now! Finish up what you have this week, but don’t buy any more just yet.

     *An exception to the fruit elimination would be: Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, and Blackberries. You can use these as a treat a few times per week (only 1/4 cup). These should always be organic, as these fruits are highly sprayed with toxic pesticides.

* Kiwi is fun as a treat!

* Another thing you can have for now is citrus, like an orange or grapefruit, again perhaps once a week, and eat the whole fruit, not just juice.

Pick a few of these or a combination, not all and not every day. Also try to have fruit before you are active, so that you use the energy in them.

*Whew!   Now!   


     Collect any food items which are unopened and donate them. Any of the opened items can be poured out or taken, as bagged trash, to your outdoor container.  

Look yourself in the mirror.  Give yourself a BIG “high five” and tell yourself:

“I, [your name], have just taken a big step in my life regarding my health!”  

     If you find yourself needing an alternative to the sweet drinks, then try some of the following options! These options are here to help with this major transition away from sugar.  Shop for some delicious, healthier drink options to replace the ones we need to eliminate!  These healthier drink options utilize natural, lower glycemic sweeteners such as “Stevia” and/or “Erythritol”.  And, as we promised earlier, these are satisfying and delicious alternatives!  Something new!  “Out with the old, in with the new,” right?

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  • Use fresh, organic, lemon, lime, or grapefruit juice, added to your water, to “pump up” the taste!

  • Try “Blue Sky Soda” (Stevia sweetened only.)

  • Try “Virgil’s Zero Calorie Soda” (Stevia sweetened, only)

  • Try Zero Calorie “Vitamin Water” and “La Croix" flavored, carbonated water.

  • Look for “Bai” Flavored Water! (Anything here is fine! These are great!).

  • Make it a fun, healthy and "guilt free" experiment and mix it up!

  • Try grapefruit La Croix, with real lemon and Stevia! For a special treat, try "Virgil’s Zero Calorie Root Beer" with a splash of organic heavy cream!

  How much sugar have you been consuming?

    To give you another visual idea of how much sugar you will be eliminating in your diet with this week’s changes, check out the pictures below of the quantities of sugar found in some common beverages.  You might be surprised!

Regular Cola

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Sweet Iced Tea

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So...here’s the video again.  Just sayin...